Top Tips on herbs for anxiety

urbanbasedherbalist • May 21, 2022

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Top tips for reducing anxiety using herbs by a Medical herbalist

            By Marie Mulcahy, BSC Western Herbal Medicine, MNIMH

As a medical herbalist, I  treat anxiety as part of the whole patient picture. 

I do not treat it as a stand-alone condition until I  have done a complete consultation as we need to get to the root of what is causing the anxiety and the anxiety can be causing a range of conditions. 

To do this I  explore the patient's past and present medical history including a discussion of their work, home situation, diet, and then a complete review of their body systems. 

Herbs work on the nervous system to calm and re-balance and they will work in synergy with whichever organs to bring them into balance as well. 

For example, when you have anxiety your tummy can often be upset. In such a case I would create a tincture (a special liquid blend of herbs you take with water. or tea to manage your gut and your anxiety 

But today I would like just to give you some tips on how to use herbs in your life to help reduce anxiety.

Herbal teas sipped during the day (at the end of this post I have included a recipe that you can make at home).

The best herbal teas for anxiety include Lemon balm, Chamomile. If you are peri/menopausal sage tea. At night to help you sleep lavender and hops.

Eating fennel seeds after a meal will help ease anxiety and soothe your tummy.

Keeping an aromatherapy ball with you,  made with an anxiety-reducing blend for example. Rose geranium, Lavender, and lemon balm. 

Your aromatherapist, can advise on an individual blend and make one for you or advise how to make one. Roll the ball at times of anxiety onto your wrist and gently over your temples.

Eat a herb salad, have a base of rocket leaves and add in mint leaves, Dill, basil, and watercress which lowers your blood sugar which in turn will help reduce the racing mind of anxiety.

If you like beetroot it is also amazing for its heart-supporting benefits.

Breakfast is so important to keep anxiety at bay.

Always eat a high-protein breakfast. Avoid surgery cereals. Eggs, bacon, cottage cheese, and Avocado are ideal. No coffee as that will spike your anxiety.

Reduce your tea intake and up your herb tea.

Snack on oatcakes with nut butter, any nut butter but peanuts that are high in sugar  to stop sugar spikes that will lead to anxiety during the day, and avoid sugar at all costs

You can make a herbal bath soak. Bet a large muslin bag filled with large oats you will find in a health shop. Add 2 drops each of rose geranium, ylang-ylang, and chamomile essential oils. Place the bag under the running water and leave it to soak in the bath with you.

In the morning you can use it as a body scrub in the shower.

Anxiety reducing tea


  • 2 tablespoons dried lemon  balm
  • 2 tablespoons dried rose hips, cut & sifted
  • 1 tablespoon dried oat straw
  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile


Mix all the ingredients together & mix thoroughly. Store in a sealed container in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

For a hot cup of tea:

For a single serving hot cup of tea, place 1 tablespoon of the tea blend into a tea ball or bag.


Add the filled tea ball or bag to a mug and fill with 1 cup (8 fl oz) hot water.

steep for 8-10 minutes, then enjoy!

(Sweeten if desired!)

You can also add the tablespoon of herbs to a cafetiere and let if steep in the same way. 

Add one tablespoon of herb for each cup of tea.

You can also serve it cold, follow the same method and leave it to chill in the fridge in a covered jug.


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