It’s many years since I have had PMS or a period but I do remember very clearly my time of the month and all the chaos it brought into my life.
The pain and mood swings and yes there were times that I asked if I could be pregnant, so I thought I am sure there are many women out there asking the same question.
As PMS can mirror early pregnancy so I found a reliable source to answer this question.
PMS vs. Pregnancy: How to Tell the Difference
Medically Reviewed on 4/28/2021
How can I tell if it is PMS or if I am pregnant?
PMS symptoms and signs sometimes mimic those of pregnancy.
Many women have difficulty figuring out if they are pregnant, have PMS, or are about to start their period. The most common signs and symptoms of early pregnancy, PMS, and the start of your period include mood swings, back pain, increased urination, and tender breasts. These three conditions also share other similar signs and symptoms, but there are unique differences between each. Moreover, there are symptoms that only occur if you are pregnant.
The only way to find out if you are pregnant is with a pregnancy test. Home pregnancy test kits are available without a prescription at pharmacies and most grocery stores.
Am I Pregnant?
The signs and symptoms a woman experiences during her pregnancy vary from woman to woman. Moreover, they also vary from one pregnancy to another. They also may appear at any time during pregnancy. Weight gain and a missed menstrual period are symptoms all women experience when they are pregnant.
What is PMS (premenstrual syndrome)?
Menstruation (period) is the process of bleeding from the vagina (known as the menstrual period) that occurs at the end of each menstrual cycle. Menstruation begins during puberty and lasts until menopause. Your period starts when the lining of the uterus sheds (approximately every 28 days) because pregnancy did not occur. Your menstrual period is due to the normal variation in levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, known as the menstrual cycle. Many women experience symptoms including cramping, bloating, breast tenderness, and mood changes around the time of the menstrual period.
PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is a condition characterized by psychological and physical symptoms that develop at some point after you ovulate (which occurs during the middle of the menstrual cycle), and ends when you start your period. Symptoms of PMS can include irritability, depression, crying, fatigue, bloating, acne, breast tenderness (mastalgia), and appetite changes including food cravings. While 90% of women are believed to have some symptoms associated with menstruation, true PMS is more severe and likely occurs in 20% to 30% of women.
Similarities between PMS vs. pregnancy symptoms and signs
For many women, the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy can resemble those of her approaching menstrual period or PMS. In fact, it is not possible to tell from early symptoms alone if a woman is pregnant or having symptoms related to her upcoming menstrual period.
The most similar common signs and symptoms that these conditions share include:
Differences between PMS vs. pregnancy signs and symptoms
What symptoms and signs are unique to pregnancy?
Certain symptoms are more characteristic of early pregnancy and are less likely to occur due to an impending menstrual period or PMS.
What is the 2-week wait?
The "2-week wait" is a term that has been used to describe the time interval between ovulation and implantation, or the approximate point at which a pregnancy test will yield a definitive answer. Many tests available on the market today are able to determine if you are pregnant, even before the date of the expected menstrual period.
Medical Herbalist on your team
So if you are not pregnant and you are clear your symptoms are PMS how can a medical herbalist help? They will provide herbal medicine to manage the pain and mood swings, help with your sugar and or carb cravings, manage your anxiety and help you sleep better.
One way to make your time of the month a breeze is to sign up to my, “Get off the PMS roller coaster” monthly subscription. Only £20 a month, delivered directly through your letterbox. It contains products created by a medical herbalist to coast you through your time of the month and to give you a much needed boost of self-love.
The first box includes an organic cotton bag, to keep all your go to products in there for your time of the month.
Register now by emailing with the subject heading monthly hug.
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