What does procrastinate mean? According to the Cambridge English Dictionary:
verb [ I ]
UK /prəˈkræs.tɪ.neɪt/ US /proʊˈkræs.tə.neɪt/
to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring:
I know I've got to deal with the problem at some point - I'm just procrastinating.
dilly-dally old-fashioned informal.
Why are solopreneurs particularly prone to this. I believe it has many psychological aspects.
Often tied into self-belief. Many people leave a safe 9-5 job with a regular income to follow their passion and so they leave behind the safety net that goes alongside that. A daily structure, someone setting you tasks, a team to be part of, a manager to report to.
The physicality of leaving your home to travel to work.
They may suffer from Imposter syndrome. Why should people buy what I have to sell? What makes me an expert.
The procrastination may be the result of physical or mental burn out. Especially possible in the early day of a new business and with all the challenges of being totally responsible for your own income and structure.
You are now a solo player with no team to work with, bounce ideas around with and to be held accountable by, so you may find yourself unable to get going, putting off tasks and just generally feeling stuck.
The initial honeymoon period of being your own boss has certainly worn off.
Make sure you take regular breaks. Every twenty minutes get up from your computer and walk around.
Keep regular work hours. Switch off from work at the time you would have when you were 9-5.
Give yourself headspace.
See procrastination as warning that you need balance and that you may be overwhelmed.
You need to take steps to reduce the overwhelm.
Keep hydrated, water and or herbal tea breaks. Water topped up at your desk.
Wake up call on procrastination
Do you really want to go back to the 9-5? You became a solopreneur to live your passion and control your own destiny, don't give into procrastination.
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