Marie Mulcahy • November 6, 2019

Natures hug to support your pregnancy

 Before you opt for a C-section get the facts. As herbalists, we see many children with preventable conditions such as asthma and eczema. Plan for your pregnancy and during the pregnancy, research and ask experts. Expand your pregnancy support team beyond conventional health care. Take a read of this and please share.


Together with colleagues from Sweden and Luxembourg, scientists from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg have observed that, during a natural vaginal birth, specific bacteria from the mother's gut are passed on to the baby and stimulate the baby's immune responses.

This transmission is impacted in children born by caesarean section."This may explain why, epidemiologically speaking, caesarean-born children suffer more frequently from chronic, immune system-linked diseases compared to babies born vaginally," says the head of the study Associate Prof. Paul Wilmes.


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